There is nothing more fearful to a pet owner than being unable to help you pet in its time of need because no one knows what’s wrong. The only thing that might be even worse, is being unable to secure the help and care that you know they need because it’s too far out of your budget and you can’t afford it. Pets are so frequently part of the family that people will go far and above the norm to get them the help they need. And if this help can’t be afforded or found, people will frequently turn to euthanasia to prevent any prolonged suffering that their furry loved ones might have to go through.

Critter Crusaders, located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was founded on the knowledge that people frequently don’t realize that their pets can be treated for serious issues, prolonging life and improving the quality of life of the pet. Critter Crusaders works to raise money for the care and rehabilitation of old and sick animals who have been given up so that they can be readopted and live out the rest of their lives in a home full of love. Started in 2008, Critter Crusaders is usually contacted by animal shelters, rescue groups, or animal hospitals in regards to specific animals that need more care. Their first patient was a 2 year old husky that was going blind due to cataracts and was given up by its owners due to the belief that she couldn’t be helped. The Crusaders took the dog and and gathered donations from Iowa residents, getting the dog the proper care and allowing her to be rehabilitated and readopted only a few months later.
Now, in an attempt to raise more funding and gain more awareness for their cause, Critter Crusaders is holding a benefit concert on September 11th, with all of the money raised going directly towards vet bills for the animals that are being cared for. Last year the group helped and healed 360 animals. This year, they helped that many in May alone and are in need of funds and volunteers. With a 7 member board and active volunteers, this is a small nonprofit that could use your help! Donations can be given all year long at or PO Box 10111, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52410 and the concert is being held at Kirkwood’s Ballantyne Auditorium and is featuring Alice Peacock.
If you’d like to read more, the link is here. Please feel free to donate or volunteer! Everything will be appreciated by both the staff and the animals they’re caring for.